Christmas 2013

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Good Morning!

Well, Hey Howdy Ho!
It's Saturday morning. I finally settled down about 12:45 when it started to rain. Diva was awake at 6:10a. I have been unable to go to sleep since.
Now, for those just checking in to this. I have been busy. If you are not familiar with a Blog the latest post is at top. If you have ever talked to me and thought "Oh, my gosh, I keep loosing track. What is she talking about now?" Well, this BLOG is just as bad if not worse. I am still trying to get the hang of it. Ok, now, go all the way to the bottom, or atleast check down a few to see what you might have missed. Note: the postings have dates and times. There are instances where I BLOG a few times in a row. I know, mental. Also, if you don't know what I'm talking about I may be commenting on some comment a 'friend' has left.
Well, Snoot is wanting to know when I'm taking Diva and Wonks to school. I think he likes not having them around in the mornings.) Wonks wants more pop-tart, Diva is digging through my purse for fingernail polish left over from last nights party, and Snot keeps screaming at me to look for his 'blue' toy.
They are coming alive in there and I have only had 1/2 a cup of coffee.
I will try to gather thoughts and get back to ya'.
You poor desperate souls who have nothing better to do with your time than check my BLOG.
I Love ya'.
xoxoxoxo Amy