Christmas 2013

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I Love You TOO!

WARNING! Portions of the Post are not intended for readers with weak constitutions. Also, not recommended reading before, after, or during eating. You have been warned. Now read on because it really is kind of funny.
4000!!!! hits on the blog! Glad you are stopping by. I'm still bummed that I lost my last count when I tried to 'beef up' the look of my blog.
Life here has been a bit rough but ok. Got that first peeing on the playground call last week. James just had to go, so dropped them and did the deed. Joseph is doing better and better in school. Today we will meet with both teachers for progress reports.
Joseph now has the tummy bug thing we can't seem to shake around here. Looser Mom that I am I was putting his culturell in his milk. HELLO! When your friends and mother tell you important things like Don't Give Dairy Products to Kids With Diarrhea.....LISTEN! I was just feeding the bad bacteria that was giving him the runs. He stayed home Monday and Tuesday last week and is home again today. He was barfing at 2am this morning. The same as last week. HE starts crying, holding his tummy, complaining but, won't get up. Since I had gone through this before and let it ride til he barfed all over the bed I forced him up last night. OH! He was so not happy! This is gross but, kind of funny, now that is at 8:45am after 3 cups of coffee, Not Funny at 2am after only going to bed at 12:30. Joseph is standing over the toilet refusing to get lower. Upchucking alllllll over and trying to yell at me at the same time.
"This is your ....bbbllllaaaaaaa.....FAULT!" BBLlllaaayyy
"I told tummy hurt. I need to .....bbbllaaaak.....LAY DOWN!"
"Joseph, please sit on the stool and stop barfing alllll over the bathroom!"

"It's your FAULT! You make me get up."
So he is home. I think it is a Tuesday curse. I am suppose to volunteer in the school library on Tuesdays. The last 3 Tuesdays there has been a kid home ill.
Well. It is nearly 9am. I have color on my hair because I am just simply addicted to doing something different every few months. I need a shower, then I have to go be fingerprinted. It is recommended for Mother's with notions of someday fleeing their life.
Just joshin'....... I am going to begin substitute teaching at the preschool where my BFF- JJ works and where the twins attended last year. I feel I owe something back to them. Ha!
My first job is tomorrow subbing for JJ's co-teacher. She said she'll enjoy having someone there who won't ask her alot of questions. I asked "What makes you think I won't be coming around the corner every 10 minutes asking for help?" "Oh, well, I can tell you to shut up and go back to your room. Besides you're the mother of J&J you should be able to handle it." "I'm scared! but hey it's a whopping $35.00 I wouldn't otherwise have!"
Gotta run.
Love ya'

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