Christmas 2013

Friday, February 26, 2010

Rodeos and Concussions (mild)

Today in West Texas we got out of school an hour and a half earlier for Rodeo Day! Today was also AR party. Since James sustained a Mild Concussion on Wednesday while attempting to jump over, slipped on, or stood on a ball. Tom and I decided a roller skating party probably wasn't the best idea. So I picked him up this morning after Spelling test and took him to my preschool. He helped put out 100 chairs for the audience. Then we painted his face and he helped with props during the preschool rodeo. He was AWESOME~!~ if I do say so myself. He really did a good job. He had fun with out hamming it up too much or getting in the way. He was actual honest help. I was very proud. ::beam:: ::beam::
See slide show below then below that is the concussion story.
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Wednesday morning I am working on preschool snacks while also covering for the director who is running late. Cell phone rings. James slipped on a ball in the gym. Hit head Hard. Pupils look fine but he wants to lay down. I call doctors decide to take him to pedi. School nurse calls back. He has thrown up. Pedi says take to ER. ER does CT scan. Which comes back negative for blood or major damage. James barfs again when he goes to sit up in ER room. Doc calls it Mild Concussion. Be careful. Watch him. Here's a list of things to look for. Oh and wake him every 2 hours during the night and question him. James and I are at Sonic grabbing a soda. I call school to give report. To find out Joseph had an accident in his pants and Nurse Tiffany cleaned him up and my DAD is coming in from Miles (30 miles away where my family lives) to take him home for clean britches. Joseph none too happy when Daddy takes him back to school. he tells aide in after school waiting room "My Mom. Left me here." He had wanted me to come back and get him. The whole waking up thing was fun. It was also Wednesday so we had church classes that night and you know that Wednesdays are Appletini night. So Tom took the first few wake ups. I took the 3am. It was funny. He never got really mad just grunted out his answers to our questions.
Ok. On our way out the door. Long day of rodeo and I won't even go through the whole taking the kids to Wal-Mart to spend their 5.00 gift cards from Valentine's Day. If you've read more than one post here you can probably make up your own story and be pretty close to the truth. Be sure to add Joseph dropping his card in a crack by the register when we finally made it to a register. :)
Big Hugs. Have a Great Weekend!

Ok. So I am about to turn 40 so give me a break. I didn't realize I had already posted about the concussion. So have fun comparing the stories and see if they are the same. :)

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