Christmas 2013

Friday, September 28, 2007


I think......

Yesterday ticked along. I worked on items for the garage sale. The twins had a good day at school. Practices for all the boys were cancelled because of the approaching storm. We ate leftovers. The twins got in the pool, I mean bathtub, and swam, I mean bathed, for about 30 minutes. Even though they thoroughly drown the bathroom it didn't bother me too much. I know where they are and water is easy enough to wipe up off the tile floor. Considering the other options of things they did over the afternoon, bathtime was a breeze.
I will be ready for the full moon to go away. I have turned in to a real werewolf and the kids aren't much better. Say what you will but, I have belief the full moon does affect us sometimes.
We have soccer tomorrow morning at 8am and football at 1pm and 3pm. Hubby has agreed to take the twins to the soccer game because the alternative is sitting in the drive way with two of my girl friends and running a garage sale!
Well, my little spans of full moon evil are awake. They have been awake since 5:30am. AUUGGHHH! But, I wanted to sit down and say hi. In my dedication to other blogs it just torks me off to sit down, type away, wait for the page to come up and discover there isn't a recent blog! Auugghh..... don't they know I read blogs instead of 'real' news? Or I check my blog for comments. Which I have None..... Nobody loves me.........
I gotta run. I discovered that 5 weeks must be my limit. For the first 4 1/2 to 5 weeks of school I did very well at getting the kids to school by 7:30 or a little before. This week we have had several "GET OUT OF MY WAY! Big Red Truck coming through!" moments as I skid up to the curb and throw Diva and Wonks out the door with a hardy "Love ya' now RUN!"
I could blame a fair bit on their waining enthusiasm but, I think alot comes from me hitting the snooze 15 minutes longer than before.
Love ya' Thanks for checking in!


Margie said...

I have come to the conclusion that A. Some people just don't know how to leave comments,
B. They don't want us to know they are diligently reading our blogs,
C. No, they don't luv us :)

Margie said...

i saw your poll question, copycater:)

Margie said...

Ask me about Reeds tomorrow. It is so cool, it let's you know when someone has updated their blog without you having to go to their blog site.

Margie said...

How do you like not having it "by invite only." I think more people are actually viewing mine even if their name is not on my list of readers.

Margie said...

So, I know you probably said, "Oh goody, look at how many people sent me me. Laters!!