Christmas 2013

Monday, January 14, 2008

Don't Dread Monday

Have you seen this commercial? It is, the online job finder site. As the sun is starting to rise all these people fly out of bed, jump over banisters, grab everything they can find and run out to the top of this hill. The sun is rising and they are trying to fight it back with their 'shields'. The sun rises anyway and they all go home dejected. The first time I saw it I cracked up.
School Update - Diva brought home her report card last week. STRAIGHT A's for the Six Weeks AND the semester! The first couple of six weeks she had at least one B. But, they were 88 and 87. She is a good student. Wonks has been doing well too. I need to get busy reading more with him. I want him to experience AR books and testing before 1st Grade, if it's not too much pressure for him. Snoot and Snot are still ticking along. We have been cleaning out right? I had some floor mat, lock together, Princess numbers I was donating to the school. Snoot saw them. We took them in and they were going to keep them in class. Thursday was the day, same day as DDS. He was very stressed when we left the DDS and didn't go back to school to get his numbers. You'd think that by now I'd know You can't seperate a Snoot and his Numbers!
Friday, the numbers came home.
Snot made a song book about the letter D. We heard all about Daisy Doll and the letter D. Have I mentioned that I Love his teacher! His joy of going to school this year is so wonderful. The picking up is even better! He's happy!
WW Update - I had a good weekend and am trying to use some of the tips. Turn off the kitchen light after dinner. Brush teeth, prevents wanting to snack. Drink a glass of water before eating. Portion control seems to be the hardest. A cup of cereal isn't near as much as I think it should be! I'm sure my measuring utensils are too small. And did you know that when it says 3tsp is 2 points they are talking about those little bitty measuring teaspoons and not the long silver one used for stirring your glass! Go figure.
We have our daily points allowance, mine is 22. Then we have 35 bonus points we can use through out the week. My seven day week is Friday thru Thurs. I still have 23.5 points. That is like 5 points a day til Thursday!
You may have noticed the Week Menu on the side. I am going to give this a try again. My bestest friend was telling me how she does hers and I am going to give it a go. I have my list of groceries for the meals for the next TWO weeks. Impressed? Don't, be impressed now. Let's see how I do.
Time to get boys to school. They still need lunches.

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