Christmas 2013

Monday, April 28, 2008


Why do I have 8 cans of green beans in the pantry when I know I go to the store every 5 days? I can get green beans anytime I want I live right between HEB and ALbertsons.
Why did I have 6 jars of expired marshmellow creme in the cabinet?
Just how many plastic cups and glasses does one family need?
Why don't I jump the first time I hear a twin at the toaster? Waiting til you smell burning plastic is never a good idea.
Why does the husband wait til 9pm to start tearing down walls or mapping out floor plans?
Why is he so engrossed in what will happen to the kitchen? I thought the kitchen was 5 years down the road.
Why am I so willing to give up cabinets/bars/pantry space? Is it because the sooner I agree to his 'scathingly brilliant idea' the sooner he will get out of my way so I can paint and decorate?
And should I be worried that my outstanding ability to have 'scathingly brilliant ideas' has rubbed off on my husband? Because as you know my 'scathingly brilliant ideas' ain't always so brilliant!

Tip - do not throw family in tail spin to choose clothing for important family picture til AFTER you have found clothing for alllll of your family in the chosen color.
Tip - Do not choose Navy Blue as a color this season. Go for green (any shade), pink, orange, every other shade of blue but Navy. Brown or Black, believe it or not.
But, the search is over. Tom is in his navy shirt with small white lines kind of criss crossing on it. I have a navy short sleeve poloish sweater. Today I found a navy polo (which Audrey hates) for Audrey. It has a small line of white on the collar. It matches the twins! William's shirt has two white lines across the chest. So I call us good.

Audrey made straight A's this past 6 weeks. Tomorrow is Math TAKS test. Today each kid had to make a strategies poster. Mrs. W gave prizes to the 5 best. Audrey's was one of them. She has done really well on her practice papers and only missed 2 questions on the benchmark test. So she should do well.
The ballet was a success Saturday night. William was a hoot. I was very proud of him and the other boys. They were shipwrecked pirates. They stumbled on to the stage, staggered around and passed out. I told him to glue his ear to the stage til one of the big boys moved. Several girls came out and danced. He didn't flinch! I told Tom that I think his calling is to the Stage not the field (any field-Soccer/baseball/football.....) I don't think Daddy will mind if William likes the stage. As long as it's Not Ballet dancing!
Well, it has been awhile since I checked in. I have been rearranging furniture and trying to decide what exactly it is Tom wants me to pull off the walls next. He truly has been great. He is thinking things out, making plans and coming up with some great ideas. Frankly I"m just thrilled that we are doing something.
Time to get off to bed. Love ya' all!

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