Christmas 2013

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Week in Review

Ok here goes.
Monday - work at preschool. Girl Scout meeting at 3:30 my mom here to help with science projects. boys at meeting. crazy~!~ 7:00-T-ball game.
Tuesday - PLAY DATE! I picked up JJ and we headed to her new home in the country. I helped paint one of the boy's rooms. Caleb chose orange. JJ got him to go for a terracotta more Tuscan theme color. aka: UT Burnt Orange! , Pick up kids at 3pm, snack in park, get William from skippers at 4pm, rehab for James at 4pm. Home. Ballet at 6:15, T-ball at 7:00. Yes two nights in a row 7pm t-ball. You can imagine how that went on night 2.
Wednesday - work at preschool. pick up kids at 3pm. snacks, homework, laundry, church classes at 6pm.
Thursday - Joseph teacher conference 8:40a, work Book Fair 9:30-11:30, go to JJ's house and paint, trying cool new stuff in entry..... Mom get kids and do homework and supper. I LOVE MY MOMMY!!! 5:45-9:30 our t-ball team is in charge of the concession stand. Dreading this like head lice. And that's BAD.
Friday - rehab for James 9:00a, once a month speech evaluation. I also double booked myself and need to help with book fair. But, will check in on them when done with rehab. Love Christine she is so understanding. 5:30p rehearsal for ballet.
Saturday - William to attend b-day party at 10am, Audrey to ballet at 6pm, performance at 7pm.
Sunday - Mass.......CRASH!
My house is normal disaster zone but today and this week it looks like a hurrican has come in and taken care of whatever was left after the tornado.

Lynda is doing better. She is off morphine and able to carryon longer and stronger conversation. I haven't seen her but am keeping up via friend.
My friend Heidi is very worried about her husband. Please keep praying for them that things will go well with the following test needed to get Chad on the donor list.
Well gotta run. I have that conference on Joseph.

1 comment:

Kim H. said...

Can I just say you are my kind of friend? Have I told you that I LOVE to paint -- like I've helped several friends select colors and paint various rooms of their homes. I find it very therapeutic. And I chuckled at your description of the orange -- UT orange. That's great.

Round these parts, it's not RED -- it's scarlet -- for the Ohio State Buckeyes!