Christmas 2013

Friday, June 19, 2009

Finally Friday

Today it is coolish and cloudy. I want to curl up with my crochet or a book and bum the day away. But I'm afraid it will have to be a basket or 3 of laundry and a closet full of stuff that is about to come out and eat me if not dealt with.
My Mom was here Tuesday and Wednesday. She worked with Audrey and they got her room really shaped up. I'm proud of all the things Audrey decided to part with. The boys are doing an ok job keeping their room picked up. I got my room cleaned up and decluttered. I even put up new curtains. So things are getting accomplished and that is good.
Aw the rain is here. It just started sprinkling a little.
William is doing well at Theatre camp and is thrilled to be moving into the theater next week for rehearsals. The staging is said to be really elaborate. Hope they will let me take pics before or after or something. If you're local and want to attend a show let me know and I'll get you tickets.
I really should go now. Wanted to check in and let you know we are here and well.

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